High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
Here you have a LARGE bundle of Whole lessons covering a variety of food topics and suitable for GCSE students studying Food. All of the resources featured in this bundle are complete lessons and structured with Starter, Main and Plenary; with targeted Learning Objectives. A Food Tracker booklet has also been included.
These lessons are clearly presented and include reliable subject knowledge. Students can approach learning via reliable content, videos, fact sheets, worksheets, recipes, readiness charts, assessment criteria and class discussions. Answers are also provided where necessary.
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! A lesson with 5* reviews -
Types of Eggs - Food Lesson
Students thoroughly enjoy this interactive, student friendly Food Quiz. suitable for specialists or non-specialists as part of a cover lesson.
Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4
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Complete Food Lesson Bundle
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EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Design Technology Remote Learning and Cover Work; suitable for KS3 students. Tried and tested with year 7, year 8 and year 9 classes. The worksheets cover Illustration, Logo Design, Typography, Graffiti, Packaging Design, Scale & Proportion, Clothes Design, fabrics, DT Design Solutions, Structutal integrity (Textiles) Influence Design and Design Technology Interactive Quiz.
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DT KS3 Mini project - Waterproof Overall
DT KS3 Mini Project - Collapsible Bin Store
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DT KS3 Mini Project - Magnetic Wrist Band
DT Lesson Bundle
This DT Cover worksheet has been primarily designed for KS3 students, as part of a cover lesson. It focuses on The influence of Branding and Marketing; and provides them with four tasks.
Students are asked to complete sentences relating to branding and marketing. They are then asked to analyse an example app/app icon branding - along with answering two marketing question. Next students are provided with a well known drinks can and asked to sketch their own word/s using the iconic drink typography. Lastly students are tasked to brand a child’s banking app.
This worksheet is tried and tested, with excellent feedback and engagement…and a happy cover teacher. All of the answers are included to encourage self marking in the lesson too!
You may also find useful DT, Food or Art resource in my shop. Happy viewing.
Mrs B’s Shop - DT, Food and Art Resources
These eight lessons focus on Nutrients including Protein, Carbohydrates, Fibre and Water, Vitamins, Minerals and Fats. They are suitable for GCSE students studying food. These lessons have been created for students studying GCSE Food.
These complete lessons can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson (as all tasks are clear with printables and answers). I have attached a huge amount of detail listing each lesson’s content. Please read the information for each below, or view the information by clicking on the resource attached to this bundle individually.
These lessons include:
Proteins lesson- theory
-Why bodies need protein
-Examples of protein food sources
-Investigates the structure of a protein
-How the properties of proteins change when they are cooked
Handout worksheet for students to complete throughout the lesson.
They will then finally answer an exam question based upon cooking of an egg white protein.
• Investigating biological values - LBV, HBV and protein complementation foods - clear revision material
• How too much/too little protein is a problem in a diet
• Alternative proteins
• Walking talking mock questions - including 3 questions for the students to answer related to protein and full answers for the teacher to talk through/mark.
Lesson 1:
• To identify why our bodies need fats and which fats are healthier.
• To investigate the structure of a fatty acid chain and the changing properties of proteins when cooking is introduced.
• Excess and deficiency of Fats
• Saturated and unsaturated fats (Task sheet provided)
Lesson 2:
• To identify omega-3 & 6 foods types and why our body needs them.
• To investigate the impact fats has on our health; and name foods which should be reduced/encouraged.
• Transfats
• (Task - Fat comprehension task with answer sheet)
This resource is easy for students to access - full of colour, reliable subject content and engaging.
Carbohydrates x2 Lessons-
Lesson 1:
To name the two main types of carbohydrates by identify some food types and nutritional benefits/problems.
To investigate the structure of carbohydrates by naming the molecules which make them.
To design a daily meal plan, reducing high GI foods by replacing them with healthier alternatives.
Simple and complex carbs (food science terminology too)
Glycaemic index - meal planning - task sheet provided
Lesson 2:
To name the 4 factors which can affect a person’s BMR.
To identify the 3 main energy sources our bodies require; by stating the percentage and benefits.
To investigate traffic light labelling when analysing nutritional information of carbohydrate food products.
Food labelling task provided (Very detailed with photographic reference)
Macronutrient energy percentage pie chart - task sheet provided
**Vitamins - **
The lesson contains 19 slides covering:
Fat-soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Preserving vitamins when cooking Fruit and Vegetables
Video reflecting on the goverment guidelines for a healthy balanced diet (this has been included to support the importance of a healthy diet and the use of taking/not taking Multi-vitamin suppliments.
The lesson includes 4 tasks;
Grouping sources of food to Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Identifying the source, function and health problems associated with many water-soluble vitamins. The names of each vitamin is clearly labelled. Students are provided hand outs to assist.
Video and answer
Discussion on preserving vitamins when cooking.
**Minerals - ** x1 theory lesson - 19 slides - lots of time saved on your part, in such a busy teaching world!
This PPT covers the topic of Minerals. (theory only) It introduces students to the 4 minerals needed by the body and the 2 trace minerals.
The PPT is very colourful, is full of subject specific reliable information and students can access it easily.
The PPT includes:
A sorting activity - all of the resource handouts are provided with answers. The resources are differentiated for the Lower ability students.
Covers the 4 minerals and 2 trace element minerals - covering their function, excess and deficiency.
Video for students to watch - includes information about Minerals (with links to vitamins also) showing a food science experiment - questions for students to answer are also included (answers already written and provided for teacher to present on a seperate slide.
Plenary - discussion question.
**Fibre & Water - **
This 19 slide PPT covers the importance of fibre and water in our diet. It is full of colour and reliable subject knowledge.
The content covers:
Fibre’s and Water’s function, sources and deficency/excess.
All task handouts are included with answers on the slides for the teacher/students to easily access. Interactive videos are also included as learning aids.
**The students are tasked to: **
Students are to answer the questions under timed conditions. (recalling their knowledge)
Students are provided with the answers and mark scheme for the questions. They must self mark their answer.
Students provided with a model answer, for students to highlight, mark and self-reflect.
Students to talk through the model answers provided and add to their answers showing progress. Students can then re-mark their answers showing progress, or pass to the person next to them and recieve feedback.
Additional high quality resources
Eduqas Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE
AQA Coursework and NEA 1 & 2 BUNDLE
Interactive Food Quiz KS3/KS4
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Cover Worksheets
KS3/KS4 Food Cover BUNDLE
These DT Cover worksheets are suitable for year 9 and GCSE students.
The first worksheet focuses on Mock Questions related to Usability. There are 7 questions (15 marks) in total. Students are provided with space to write their answers. Answers are provided for all of the questions; allowing self-marking time during the lesson.
The second worksheet focuses on Design Considerations. It focuses on Usability and Colour Association. Students are provided with four tasks. The answers are provided for all tasks to allow for self-marking during the lesson. Teacher may consider providing this worksheet to lower years - such as year 8.
The third resource encourages students to identify 8 design problems and write a design solution for each. This resource has also been presented to KS3 students as part of a cover lesson. The problem areas cover:
Loose items in a large bag
Messy eater - older children
Children differentiating between the left and right trainer
Getting down from a bunk bed safer and quicker
Birds pecking at rubbish and making a mess on bin day
Baby’s crawling on harder floors / discomfort to their knees
Picking up a large number of nails that have dropped onto the floor
The fourth worksheet focuses on Mock Questions related to Design Considerations. There are 7 questions (15 marks) in total. Students are provided with space to write their answers. Answers are provided for all of the questions; allowing self-marking time during the lesson.
The fifth worksheet focuses on analysing a product & materials and components. Students are presented with four tasks in total. A handout has been provided to support them when analysing a product. Students are introduced to four design problems and asked to provide a solution for each. Please note that 3/4 of the problems on this worksheet also feature in handout three (listed above) and these are as follows:
Loose items in a large bag
Children differentiating between the left and right trainer
Getting down from a bunk bed safer and quicker
…the 4th problem is: * Some pre-school children are able to undo their seatbelt buckle.
Students are tasked with four tasks. Tasks include complete the sentences using the missing words, match, cut and stick the design periods to the designer timeline, analyse two products and match them to their design inspiration and design an outfit inspired by a fashion trend.
7.Students are asked to complete sentences relating to branding and marketing. They are then asked to analyse an example app/app icon branding - along with answering two marketing question. Next students are provided with a well known drinks can and asked to sketch their own word/s using the iconic drink typography. Lastly students are tasked to brand a child’s banking app.
You can find other Design Technology resources in my shop. Some useful links have been listed below:
All DT resources
DT Interactive Quiz
Cover Lesson BUNDLE
Understanding the Design Brief - Page Templates
This lesson focuses on Fibre and Water in our diet and is suitable for GCSE students studying Food. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. It Is structured into starter, main and plenary and comes with learning objectives.
This lesson is clearly presented and includes reliable subject knowledge. Students can approach learning via reliable content, videos, Q&A and discussions.
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